Columbus ICE Youth Organization is a not for profit entity with a mission of promoting health, education, attitude, recreation, and team work (H.E.A.R.T.) for youth and facilitate the development and delivery of a positive environment for young people. We are writing to you on behalf of the Columbus Ice, a youth football association dedicated to a tradition of excellence both on and off the football field. We are seeking sponsorship and donations to allow our kids to participate in several Ohio Youth Football games. We realize that economic times are tough these days and have impacted everyone in some way or another. Unfortunately that also includes our children, which the majority come from low-income households and cannot pay for extracurricular activities for their children.
We are seeking donations to offset expenses for uniforms, field time for practice, equipment, transportation and tournament fees. In exchange for any assistance, we can provide a receipt qualifying your donation to a not for profit organization, which will serve as a tax deduction for you. No donation will be considered too small.
With your help and support you can help these young athletes to advance their football playing skills during this awesome tournament season and assist in giving them an opportunity of a lifetime that won't be possible without your help. The memories that will be made during this time are something that these young men will carry with them for a lifetime. I trust that each player will be forever grateful. We are confident that we will provide our competitors with a great battle. However, we need your help.
Thank you in advance for your consideration for participation in this opportunity to change the lives of our future leaders. Should you have any questions, or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Game Jersey Sponsorship – We will advertise your company logo on our team uniforms and have your organization represented at every Columbus ICE football game! The name of the sponsor goes on every child's game uniform jersey. You can advertise on 1 of our 5 teams, or ALL 5 teams!
Sponsor 1 Columbus ICE team for a whole season: $500.00
Sponsor 1 Columbus ICE team for 2 seasons: $800.00
Sponsor ALL 5 Columbus ICE teams for 1 season: $2000.00
Sponsor ALL 5 Columbus ICE teams for 2 seasons: $3500.00
Announcement Sponsorship - We will be announcing player names at the start and during play by play at the games. During timeouts at our 4 home games, we can announce a family friendly message of your choice including any deals and discounts that you may be offering. In addition, your organization would be the sponsor of the half-time show that includes cheerleaders and dancing.
Announcement at 1 home game: $100.00
Announcement at ALL 4 home games: $350.00
Concession Sponsorship - We will be selling snack items at the concession stand before and during ALL home games. We can name the concession stand after YOUR organization. Before ALL games, during ALL timeouts, EVERY halftime, and in between ALL games the announcer will encourage all guests to visit the "YOUR ORGANIZATION" Concession Stand for snacks and beverages.
Concession Sponsorship for 1 home game: $100.00
Concession Sponsorship for ALL 4 home games: $350.00
Banner Sponsorship - We will be charging admission to all games for parents and guests. Players will not be charged. At the entrance where our admissions fee is collected, there will be a banner advertising "YOUR ORGANIZATION".
Banner Sponsorship for 1 home game: $250.00
Banner Sponsorship for ALL 4 home games: $800.00
Website Premier Sponsorship – We have your logo present on a scrolling/rotating sponsorship section on every web page, as well as a link to your website for visitors to navigate to. We will recognize your company as a Columbus ICE Sponsor at all home games and other events.
Website Sponsorship for 1 year calendar year $800.00
Pick-a-Page Website Sponsorship – Your company logo will appear on one page, based on preference and page availability. A link to your website for visitors to navigate to.
Pick-a-Page Website Sponsorship for 1 calendar year $250.00